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worrying about AI

2024-10-14: /- when human intelligence is reduced to machine intelligence, or vice-versa, then perhaps there will be worries for all of us / /- one current musing: whatever is happening inside an AI or LLM system that we are referring to as "thinking",-- that is not what I am doing when, before going to sleep, I put my head on my pillow and reflect on the few paragraphs I just finished reading /
/- is it? / /- or when I take a walk the next day and think again about enchantment and rationality, and ethics and morals, some ideas that I have been reading and wondering about for some months now /

a couple of excerpts from the last year or so of reading seem a propos:

First, this from Marina Warner (1995). Six myths of our time : little angels, little monsters, beautiful beasts, and more. Vintage. (Link:
page 32:

... Blade Runner. The film--and the book--touch a live contemporary nerve when they imagine that the robotic monsters look just like humans, that their nature isn't apparent--neither to us, nor to them.