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Github use and practice notes
(many of these notes assume that Github and git credentials are set up) - first, `cd` to the repository directory ```shell git init gh repo create --source=. --public ``` - next: add a and a LICENSE; then `git push` - push requires this one- [...]

2023-08-28 Timothy Garton Ash - decline of the Russian empire
Timothy Garton Ash, "Putin, Pushkin and the decline of the Russian empire" []( [...]

Devall and Sessions - Deep Ecology
APAvar: Bill Devall & George Sessions (1985). Deep Ecology: Living as if nature mattered. G.M. Smith. Link: pages ix-x:: **PREFACE** The environmental problems of technocratic-industrial societies are [...]

Gerald Murnane - avoiding writing
The Paris Review 250. Winter 2024. The Art of Fiction No. 266 page 216: > Avoiding writing, as most writers do. ... to get \[the writing\] flowing can take half an hour of procrastination. It's go to be that way, because you're calling on something [...]

Gurdjieff - intervals in life
APA: Uspenskiĭ, P. D. (2001). In search of the miraculous : fragments of an unknown teaching (New edition). Harcourt, Inc. Link: Page 38: quotation attributed to G.I. Gurdjieff: > There are periods in the [...]