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@AriaAber: "mysticism is the anti-babel. it is a search for a common language, after language has been shattered. it is the invention of a 'language of angels', because that of man has been disseminated." ––michel de certeau

Peter Kaminski found the source and provided a better translation here:

It's from La Fable mystique:

La mystique, c'est l'anti-Babel; c'est la quête d'un parler commun après sa fracture, l'invention d'une langue "de Dieu" ou "des anges" qui pallie la dissémination des langues humaines.

Another translation might be:

Mysticism, it is the anti-Babel; it is the quest for a common language after its fracture, the invention of a language "of God" or "of angels" which palliates the dissemination of human languages.

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