2024-08-09 it is a network
// decentralized and an idiosyncratic federation /
TODO: find shorter words.
- idiosyncratic: intrinsic, unique, distinctive
- decentralized: separated, inter-dependent and independent
// in a graph nodes and links can have metadata /
// nodes and links provide context information about each other and the relationships /
// pick a network up by one node and shake it and you might represent a hierarchy /
// wiki ways: pages and links amongst them /
// inter wiki links: how to specify, how to support two-way linking /
// how much metadata and property information can links carry? /
// todo: find current thinking on the kinds of network, or graph, links /
an inter-wiki link experiment.
- link from <bandstands.praxis101.net> to a node in <anagora.org> (see the next line)
- these notes sparked by this conversation with Flancian
2024-08-09 notes on mechanisms to try
- webmentions
- inter wiki linking
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