Deny Fear (@dean_frey): Remembering Henri Cartier-Bresson on his birthday :birthday: :camera: Beaumont Newhall, 1946 @harvartmuseums "He combined a Rabelaisian appetite for the world with a clarity of vision & intellectual rigor that linked him to French masters like Poussin."
- Michael Kimmelman
Deny Fear (@dean_frey): For Henri Cartier-Bresson's birthday, some of my favourite portraits Carl Jung, Küsnacht, Switzerland 1959 @MuseumModernArt
Deny Fear (@dean_frey): For Henri Cartier-Bresson's birthday, some of my favourite portraits Jean Anouilh, Paris, 1947
Deny Fear (@dean_frey): For Henri Cartier-Bresson's birthday, some of my favourite portraits Jean-Paul Sartre, Le Pont des Arts, Paris, 1946 "One feels the weight of their thoughts, but it is the sense of silence, the lack of any imagined sound, that shrouds this image in mystery."
- Philip Brookman
Deny Fear (@dean_frey): For Henri Cartier-Bresson's birthday, some of my favourite portraits. William Faulkner, 1962
Deny Fear (@dean_frey): For Henri Cartier-Bresson's birthday, some of my favourite portraits. Arthur Miller, 1960 He's repairing a porch light in his home.
Deny Fear (@dean_frey): For Henri Cartier-Bresson's birthday, some of my favourite portraits. Life photographer Gjon Mili, 1958
Deny Fear (@dean_frey): For Henri Cartier-Bresson's birthday, some of my favourite portraits. Truman Capote, New Orleans, 1947 "His portrait subjects are not shot; they get themselves taken at tactful intervals, by eavesdropping or absorption."
- Lincoln Kirstein
Deny Fear (@dean_frey): Albert Camus by Henri Cartier-Bresson, 1944 "Cartier-Bresson tells us that we cannot comprehend a subject's 'interior silence' without this silence coming from the artist himself, from the connection of his mind, eye & hand."
- Philip Brookman
Deny Fear (@dean_frey): For Henri Cartier-Bresson's birthday, some of my favourite portraits. Martine Franck, 1984 Franck & HCB were married from 1970 until his death in 2004. @holdengraber :cow2: