Progress Texas (@ProgressTX): Why Texas is rejecting vote-by-mail requests at a massive scale… And why counties won’t tell voters if they’ve been rejected. /1
Do you know which ID you used to register to vote?
If you registered using the last four digits of a social security number, but applied for a VBM application using a driver’s license number, then the numbers don’t align and - under the new laws - the request must be denied. /2
This is a problem county officials are facing, and it’s why Denton and Tarrant counties are rejecting applications at rates of 40% and higher, and 50% in Travis County. /3
And to throw some gas on that dumpster fire, counties may not even be allowed to inform voters of rejected vote-by-mail applications, because it could be seen as promoting voting by mail - which is now against the law for Texas public officials. /4
If you or someone you know submitted a vote-by-mail application and are not sure if it’s been processed:
Call 1-866-OUR-VOTE (English) or 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA (Spanish).
Check Texas’ online VBM tracker (fyi - it’s had issues).